This exchange between us made me think about some of the body language, stances, gestures, or thoughtless words that can lead to
problems way before ttwd and could easily bring on an argument or angry words. Whatever followed this type of blunder was not a constructive or loving way to interact with each other and severed any connection between us. Like a bell at a boxing match - Ding, ding, ding, and we both came out swinging.
The following commandments are not exactly carved in stone, but breaking them can surely result in a not-so-divine retribution from your HOH.
1. Thou shalt not speak with your hands on your hips.
2. Thou shalt not point your finger in his face while talking.
3. Thou shalt not roll your eyes.
4. Thou shalt not cross your arms in front of your chest when listening.
5. Thou shalt not interrupt with, "Yes, but I think...." when he is speaking.
6. Thou shalt not say, "FINE!" and leave the room.
7. Thou shalt not start any discussion with "You need to _____."
8. Thou shalt not swear during a serious discussion.
9. Thou shalt not "Flounce." (def. - to go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner)
10. Thou shalt not answer with "Whatever" or "Seriously?"
11. Thou shalt not respond with "Nothing" to the question "What's wrong?"
12. Thou shalt not slam a door.
13. Thou shalt not snap your fingers to hasten any task!
No sermons here. Just some wisdom to share with you all in an effort to prevent any of these heinous ttwd sins.
One More Commandment Just for Happy Spankings-
Thou shalt not laugh at him during a happy spanking, unless you wish for the spanking to become a lot harder and go on a lot longer. Which, of course, could be exactly what you are hoping for.
Your turn. Have you broken any of these commandments lately? Tell us your story. Do you have a commandment I have left off?