Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Will the "Real" Me Please Stand Up

Recently there was a very thoughtful post that Meredith put up over at New Twist...  It talked about the double lives most of us live when ttwd becomes part of our marriage.  It's true.  I certainly do not have any intention of sharing this lifestyle choice at work or with members of my family.  I am careful of what I talk about and don't talk about.  Sam and I maintain passwords on our computers.  I am cautious about our "toy box" and its contents.  So, yes, there is a secret life I guard diligently.

In my head, though, the division between the so called "secret life" and the "real life" has become a little fuzzy.  When I went to make a comment on Mere's post, I realized this and referred to it as 

                                    "...the Bigger Question."

                             Which Me is the Real Me?

The "real" used to apply to my time with family and at work.  The "secret" used to describe my precious time with only Sam.  After more than 2 and 1/2 years, though, I find that the way I act and speak in my "real" life has changed drastically.  I am conscious of
my behaviors and the things I say and view them both through the eyes of a ttwd wife.  A little like Ella Through the Looking Glass.  I know it is a huge change because the people in my "real" life not only notice but make comments and ask questions.  I've said it before.  For me, this kind of fulfillment and happiness shines through any secret I may wish to keep.

Then if I look at what used to be my "secret" life, I find I covet this time to such a degree that it usurps my "real" life.  Sam and ttwd is where I feel most truly myself, and the time I spend away from him is less and less appealing.

So, this far into a ttwd relationship, my real self has a lot of my ttwd self, too.  Sounds a bit schizophrenic, but I don't know how else to explain it.  Like I said, the delineation of those separate MEs is very fuzzy.  

So my ttwd self, Ella, is quickly becoming my real self, and it feels so right.  And the person that I present to the rest of the world is a whole lot more Ella than she used to be.

                       Are we all thoroughly confused? 

Now, let's examine further this "double lives" train of thought - relationships with family and friends.  In some ways my connections with these important people are as strong as ever - maybe even better, because there's a whole lot less anger or moodiness that causes me to pull away from others.  On the other hand, and this is hard to say, I don't think the connection is quite as strong, especially with friends I had before ttwd.

I cannot truly be myself with them anymore, and I do not feel as close to them as I once did.  We still get together regularly to catch up on each others' lives, have a dinner out, do some shopping, attend a party, or catch a movie.  I still have fun.  But there is a subtle change in the personal dynamic, and there is so much I cannot share.  No matter what, keeping a secret from a friend or loved one will put a little distance between you.  I think it is unavoidable.

To My Blogland Friends

This change does not make me melancholy at all because much of the support and love that friends give one another takes place in blogland, too.  You may not be able to physically hold my hand during a difficult time, but I know you are all there.  I feel the camaraderie.  I enjoy the wit and humor and the wise advice that is shared.  And most of all, I am at ease and feel I am accepted.  This was never more true than it was on a recent adventure with 5 very special spanky ladies.

Secrets Shared

A very dear blog friend out there sent me a lovely greeting one day not so long ago.  It said, 

                          "You and I are more than friends.  
                            We're like a really small gang."  

That made me smile a mile wide.  This little blogland gang shares a common purpose and a common perspective.  And the friends I have here are just as "real" as the sun coming up in the morning.  They brighten my life and bring me great happiness.

                       So the next time somebody says to you,

                                              "Get Real!"

                                    You can smile and reply,

                                     "Oh, if you only knew."


  1. Thanks for this post. Looking back I can see where I reached that same point where the line was fuzzy. There's definitely two separate worlds and just like you for me it became a bit fuzzy when the two worlds met. Your post has made me think and see that it's far easier bringing the spanking life into our so called for lack of a better world "real" life than what it is to bring the "real" life into the spanking life so then which world really is the real one? Wouldn't it be where everything actually meshes together? The trip you all took....that was real!!

    1. Hello Eva, I love that you left a comment today and a very thoughtful one at that. I also love your idea that they could actually one day mesh together.

      The trip was very real and very wonderful. I wish that each of you out there gets that chance one day.

      Hugs From Ella

    2. Hi Ella! I know what you mean. I've had a trip or two with spankos and they are a blast! Four of us met up in LA back in 08 and it couldn't have been more fun!!

  2. Get Real - I like that. That's what we have, isn't it - reality.
    Terrific post. Hope you enjoyed a great birthday.

    1. Thanks, Sunny. I did have a great birthday because this lovely lady I know sang to me! So sweet of her.

      Ella Smiling

  3. Ella,
    Great post!
    I remember being a little worried the first time I met internet friends. So funny, I have introduced internet friends to real life friends and all is well. I agree that we do lead secret lives with the real life ones. The blog friends enter into a special place that no real life friend may enter. It feels wonderful to have the small group close to my heart. I feel that subtle change you write about with real life friends. Do they feel it too? Can they see the change in me?
    Hope your birthday was wonderful.

    1. Mere, you were the inspiration for this post anyway. I wonder, too, if they feel it the way I do. It is a little sad to think of that, but I would not change that special place you speak of. It means the world to me.

      Lucky Ella

  4. Sweet Ella, how right you are! I guess it's easier to say 'real life' than to say 'the people I see on a daily basis', but my friends here on line are much more real to me and I love that I can be my real-self with them. Having the time together was so relaxing because we never had to worry for a second about 'guarding' what we said so as not to give ourselves away. That's pretty special.

    1. PK, you always hit the nail on the head whether it be in your blog, your comments, or your books. And, yes, that is very special. Sometimes I pretend that I can climb inside a Cassie book. Pretty silly, huh?

      Thanks, my friend.

  5. what a wonderful post and answer to the question "who is the real me?" Thanks for sharing your real self. :-) Hugs

    1. I do know the Real You now, Terps, and she is one special lady.

      Hugs From Ella

  6. I can identify with this! I feel like I have so many 'ME's inside!
    Glad you were able to share the real you with such a special group of woman!

    1. Minelle,
      I want to know all the "You's" inside. You have such a big heart and give us all such beautiful images. We love that you are visiting more often, good lady.

      Take good care of yourself,

  7. Hi Ella, I agree with this totally. I too feel that my so called real life friends don't really know me anymore. I have changed, and I sometimes look at them and think how much they are missing in their relationships. No one seems as close as us, and I can't tell anyone. It is very difficult. I love being able to talk to my blogland friends, my life is enriched by the relationships I have made on my computer!
    love Jan, xx

    1. Jan,
      I am glad you understand. Recently I visited some old friends and noticed how the wife told the husband how to do everything! Right down to, "The light is green, Kevin," at every stoplight. Did not seem respectful to me.

      Glad to have you as a friend, too, Jan.

      Hugs Across the Pond,

  8. Hi Ella, this is such a great post and you captured it well. The lines do get blurred and ttwd does change us too and friends and family notice.

    How wonderful it is to have a place to go where you are understood and can be the real you :)


    1. This really helps to know that I am not the only one that feels this change I notice with my old friends.

      Roz, it makes me so happy to be able to be the real me with you and all the others.

      Hugs From Ella

  9. Meredith's post and your big question intrigued me at the time, so I'm glad you've expanded on it here. I feel I've become the person I'm meant to be over these last three years and have wondered who is the real me, Rosie Jones or the other me, who has to hide a vital part of who I am. Maybe I'll work it out some day.
    Great post Ella.
    Rosie xx

  10. Thanks, Rosie. It seems that the women here in this corner of blogland can spark a new line of thought that take each of us a little further along the road. It is one of the reasons I like to read here and write here. It makes me self examine in a very productive way.

    Hugs Across the Pond,

  11. Ella what a wonderful post. I agree the lines between real life and here are fuzzy. I look at my real life friends now and think how can you speak to your husband like that. I've changed with TTWD and feel heap happier now.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. I am so glad you said this, Lindy! I was recently visiting some old friends and thought the same. I love them both, but it really bothered me to have her telling him when to go and stop in the car. It was constant. When I hear myself say something similar, I cringe and remember that is the old me.

      Sending Hugs Downunder,

  12. Those lines do start blurring as time goes on! Very good post!
