Thursday, June 7, 2018

"But the Suitcases Are Still in the Car?"

Back in April, Meredith wrote a post about how traveling seems to be a really hard time to lean in.  In all fairness, she also had several travel posts where she let her Jack maintain his leadership, and there was peace in his valley.  Not perfect, but pretty damn good, Mere!

I guess the same could be said about me on our recent travels.  I stopped myself from interrupting many times but then mowed right over Sam at dinner one night.  I do like it when the nice Garmin lady gives my husband the driving directions instead of me.  I seem to stay out of trouble more often in the car.  You can't spank the Garmin lady, but Sam does tell her to "shut up" once in a while.  There was one big lapse in car judgement that I will explain later in this post.

Really tried to remember to wait for Sam to open the car door, give the waitress my drink order (house IPA most of the time) and not to speed up so I was walking 10 feet in front of him.

Things were going fairly well until the last day - our travel day back home.  Then it all went to hell in a handbasket.  I could tell I was metaphorically stepping on Sam's toes again and again but seemed powerless to to stop myself.  If there is a fallen angel of ttwd, I was under her control.

It was a long, long day, that's for sure.  As we pulled up in the driveway, I thought the only thing on both our minds was, "Home, sweet home."  I knew there would be loads of laundry the next morning, but for now, I was just looking forward to my own bed.

As we got out of the car, I grabbed as many small items as I could carry, knowing that Sam would take care of the heavy  baggage.  He opened the door for me, and I dropped the things in my arms on the dining room table and reached for the stack of mail.  I thought Sam was heading back out for the suitcases, but then I heard the front door close and the distinctive sound as the lock was thrown.

"Hmmm," I thought.  "That's odd.  Why wouldn't he be getting the luggage.  Besides, it was quite warm.  The screen door would be just fine tonight.

Without a word spoken, Sam reappeared and reached for my hand.

"But the suitcases are still in the car, Sam?"

"And that's where they will be until I am finished," he said as he towed me down the hall.

He never let go of me as he bent to retrieve the little wooden paddle from the bottom drawer of his dresser.  (In happier times, I refer to that drawer as the "toy box.")  He set the paddle on the foot of the bed and deftly unzipped my jeans.  Then silent still, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me over one knee.  Took his time arranging me and finally put his other leg over both of mine.  I already felt totally pinned, and he hadn't said one word.  I think I stopped breathing for a minute.

When the dam broke, Sam had much to say.  The paddle worked its deadly magic as my guy started to recall every single stupid thing I said or did beginning when I woke up about 5:00 am that morning.

"You have been second guessing me all day long, Ella.  The only rest I had was when you had to pee."

"This wasn't going to be good," I thought as Sam began listing my misdemeanors.  Perhaps some went a bit beyond misdemeanor more toward felony.  You be the judge.
  • "I think you should go get the big luggage cart, Sam."

  • "Wait!  The Garmin has to be wrong.  We need to go this way to the car rental return."  He ignored me and pulled onto the ramp to the garage.  I hate that the Garmin Bitch is always right!  I think I heard her say, "So there, Ella," as Sam turned off the engine.

  • I was sure I knew which side of the building we had to go to catch the shuttle to the terminal.  Sam just stood there until I realized he wasn't following me.

  • This next one was when I noticed Sam raised his voice.  Arriving in San Diego for a long layover, I began.  "Well, we have to get to Terminal 1 to find the restaurant we found online....What a stupid airport.... Why do we have to leave the secure area just to eat and then have to go through security again?....It makes no sense....No matter.......We have TSA Pre-Check."

But then the TSA officer said that Pre-Check was not being accepted at this time and to take off shoes and belts.  Pull out electronics and clear bags of toiletries.  I kid you not, I just stood there repeating, "But we have Pre-Check on our boarding passes.  But we have....." 

"Ella, you are holding up the line.  Take - Out - The - Laptop - Now," he growled.  I finally did.

  • Guess who asked for the check when we finished eating.  "Oh, sorry, Hon."

  • I really didn't remember any indiscretions on the final leg of our journey, but Sam did.  (By this time the paddle was quite busy on my bum, and I couldn't really think straight.)

  • Sam was just about to pull the Park & Fly card out of his wallet in order to tell the driver where we were parked, when I piped up helpfully, "It was Row C, I'm pretty sure.  Yep, I was right."  Sam was silent.

And so this post has come full circle.  We were finally home.  The suitcases were still in the car.  My ass was properly toasted, and I felt like I had just received the Nobel Prize in Literature for writing 

                           The TTWD Book of What Not To Do.

But then Sam pulled me up for kisses and gently pinched my nipple.  There was a grin on his face, too, and I knew for certain there would be a happy ending to this story.


  1. Hi Ella,

    Ug, the travelling part of any vacation is stressful and definitely dodgy territory for those in ttwd relationships lol. Glad all was put to rights upon getting home and that there was a happy ending :)


  2. Aw Ella! Traveling is stressful. I so get corraling that stress by planning/or trying to be in charge of all the things. Always enjoy when your blog crops up with a new post on my roll :-)

  3. Yep, you certainly deserved that one! I only feel the need to be in charge when I'm the only one there. Otherwise I'm content to let others take over. When my son explained the subway system of NYC to me I simply asked, "Could you just hold my hand." He agreed and all was well. I think I got all the wanting to be in charge out of my system being a teacher and caring for my parents. Now it only comes out when I try to run Mollie's life. Thankfully she seems immune to me.

  4. Yeah, Miss Ella, that did not go over too well for you. I hear you though,it happens to everyone. Traveling is the worst here as I work myself in a snit over every little thing.

  5. I love your story, Ella!! Whenever we go anywhere, Storm does all the directions and all that and I could care less. I have no idea where we parked or where we are going and the, "hold my hand" thing works for me Although I do get annoyed if Storm loses his way even though I am no help in helping him recover it. LOL!

  6. Road trips can be fraught with danger! Glad you got your happily ever after.
    Rosie xx

  7. Oh I am cracking up about the Garmin bitch! I was just telling someone what a funny ‘comedy sketch’ where the Garmin starts arguing about when we want stop for gas or eat etc.....
    As to the consequences of the “bossy Ella” appearing..... whew girl! Lol!
    Those afters.....very nice!

  8. That didn't go well for you. Happy all was put to rights. Travelling does things to people. I have to keep my lips tightly shut.


  9. ahhhh... and then the happy ending. I truly hate the spanking itself but the feelings it brings about and those incredible moments afterwards... "CHECK PLEASE!!!" :)

  10. Ahhh yes, we're travelling as I speak ... sitting in a ferry line up. So far so good but boy, do I see myself in your story, Ella ... so I will take it as a cautionary tale.

    I love that Sam saved it all up for the homecoming ... he kinda let you box yourself in so to speak ... and then set things right :))) ... hugs ... nj

  11. Ella,
    I have so been there! Sam acted in a most decisive way and paying the price for taking over and bossiness hurts like hell. Great post!

  12. Oh Ella that must have been a stressful holiday lucky with a happy ending.
    Hugs Lindy xx

  13. Oh dear, travel is so stressful! What a memory that man has... glad you got a happy ending to your roasting!

  14. well I guess they say "all's well that ends well" :-) Hugs
