Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Commandments of TTWD

Recently, I caught myself answering Sam with my hands on my hips.  Didn't even realize I had assumed this pose.  It wasn't until I saw his eyes narrow a bit, that I was conscious of what I was doing.  I quickly dropped my hands to my side and repeated my point in a much less aggressive manner.  It was over so quickly, I do not even know if Sam would remember.  There was no verbal mention of it.  Certainly, this does not happen as often as it used to.  Later I thought this incident might be indicative of a subtle change for the better in me.

I wondered if this was a case of psychic ttwd.  Have we developed
a silent dominant/submissive dynamic that requires no words?  Can I now read Sam's thoughts and adjust my behavior to correct myself?  Or is it that idea that our body language is as important as what we say?  Can you read your HOH's mind that way?  Then what about when you combine body language and certain words?  Does that turn into a "Double Dog Dare" situation?

This exchange between us made me think about some of the body language, stances, gestures, or thoughtless words that can lead to
trouble in a ttwd relationship.  I mean, honestly, these things caused
problems way before ttwd and could easily bring on an argument or angry words.  Whatever followed this type of blunder was not a constructive or loving way to interact with each other and severed any connection between us.  Like a bell at a boxing match - Ding, ding, ding, and we both came out swinging.

The following commandments are not exactly carved in stone, but breaking them can surely result in a not-so-divine retribution from your HOH.  

1.  Thou shalt not speak with your hands on your hips. 

2.  Thou shalt not point your finger in his face while talking.

3.  Thou shalt not roll your eyes.

4. Thou shalt not cross your arms in front of your chest when listening.

5.  Thou shalt not interrupt with, "Yes, but I think...." when he is speaking.

6.  Thou shalt not say, "FINE!" and leave the room.

7.  Thou shalt not start any discussion with "You need to _____."

8.  Thou shalt not swear during a serious discussion.

9.  Thou shalt not "Flounce." (def. - to go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner)

10.  Thou shalt not answer with "Whatever" or "Seriously?"  

11.  Thou shalt not respond with "Nothing" to the question "What's wrong?"

12.  Thou shalt not slam a door.

13.  Thou shalt not snap your fingers to hasten any task!

No sermons here.  Just some wisdom to share with you all in an effort to prevent any of these heinous ttwd sins.

One More Commandment Just for Happy Spankings-

Thou shalt not laugh at him during a happy spanking, unless you wish for the spanking to become a lot harder and go on a lot longer.  Which, of course, could be exactly what you are hoping for.

Your turn.  Have you broken any of these commandments lately?  Tell us your story.  Do you have a commandment I have left off?


  1. I don't think I have ever broken 13, it's not something I ever recall doing. However, the first twelve - what can I say - many, many times.

    1. Hi Sunny, As Jan says later, "Chop,chop" is just as bad. Lately, I do think I am doing better on many of these commandments. The "You need to ____" is really hard to give up.


  2. Guilty of all except 8 and 13....just never do either of those two. But the rest...all spankable. Including, sticking your fingers in your ears, so you can't hear Him ....
    hugs abby

    1. Oooo, Abby. I have never stuck my fingers in my ears. We shall add that to the Commandments.

      Hugs From Ella

  3. I've done all of the above and more....
    Replying "No" to a direct command does not go down too well and apparently replying "if you want to speak to me, come here and do it" when he calls from another room is not a good move either! Who knew?

    1. Yikes. The "No" is living on the edge, Janey.

      The slamming of a door will have Sam move at the speed of light. No time even for narrowing the eyes!


  4. Ella,
    We are just home and I settled in to read your post. We have just had a discussion about my speaking with my hands on my hips. The discussion will end this morning with a spanking I am sure. All of the things you listed are spankable here at our house. I try hard to change my behavior all the time, but sometimes things just get out of hand, pun intended!
    Great post,

    1. Mere,
      Why is it always called a discussion? I do not know about Jack, but Sam usually does all the talking.

      Thanks for your rating!

  5. Hi Ella, I ONCE said "shut up and do as you are told " Eek...
    Another no is to say chop chop! lol. I have broken a few of yours in my time
    love Jan,xx

    1. Oh dear, Jan. I am pretty sure we should add the "shut up" and "chop chop" to the commandments. Am I correct in assuming that John did not just let those slip by?

      Hugs Across the Pond,

  6. I have broken most of those commands but interrupting and flouncing still appear from time to time, with the expected result. I think it's more likely that you recognise your own behaviour than you can read Sam's thoughts. If you can read his mind, could you let the rest of us know how to do it?
    Hugs from across the pond,
    Rosie xx

    1. Hi Rosie,
      I am really concentrating on not interrupting lately. Maybe the mind reading is really just being more attuned to each other in a ttwd relationship.

      Didn't know you were Across the Pond! Sending big Yank hugs your way.


  7. Oh, 6, 10, and 11....those are still big problems of mine. I think if I actually got in trouble for it I would be quicker to change my ways. TBG doesn't really punish too much - too bad, because I'm sure I get away with stuff! - so, I don't get in a lot of trouble. We're still fighting with the old way of doing things vs the new way. It's a process, I know!

    1. It is amazing how just one word like "Whatever" can create such distance between two people who love each other.

      Keep trying. Nothing worth having comes easy.


  8. LOL Ella...I have broken every single one of those commandments...I do have an attitude at times. ;) Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Oh, Cat. It is hard to believe anyone who sends out so many smiles could have an attitude. I will just call you "spirited!"

      Ella Smiling

  9. What can I say?? I too have been known to do almost everyone of the above mentioned words or actions! Sometimes I get spanked! Lol

    1. If you do, Minelle, I bet you do it with style. I love when you visit!


  10. Ella I think I have probably broken all of these commandments and laughed during a spanking. Just can't help myself. LOL!

    Hugs from down under

    1. Well, I bet you have some commandments I have forgotten!

      I really do love laughing when it is a sweet spanking. Sam gets laughing, too, and is determined to at least get an "Ouch."

      Sending Hugs to You, too!

  11. I have no idea how I missed this one - but now I know why I'm never spanked for real. With the exception of # 11 I've never done any of those things. Honestly, none. I've never even thought of doing them. I don't think Nick has either. As for #13, I can't snap my fingers. A sad thing for a teacher to say.

  12. This is quite a surprise, PK. I would have bet you had broken quite a few commandments.

    Perhaps we should ask Cassie the same questions.


    1. LOL! I just went back and re-read to see what Cassie would say. She's broken all but # 13.

    2. Please let Cassie know how much I appreciate her honesty. There might be material here for further questions for Tom.

      Thanks, PK,

  13. I missed this post Ella. I've broken everyone of them many, many, many times.


    1. Oh, Ronnie. We would have so much to talk about. Thanks for being yourself.
      My goal this year is to totally wipe out #7. I am most guilty there.


  14. A good list. :-) I have probably done #3 whenever he tells a "ha ha funny" joke or something inappropriate in front of the children, and I am a repeat offender of #11, and I always giggle during sweet spankings - then again all our spankings are sweet. :-) Hugs
